Frequently Asked Questions

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We get these questions a lot. Here are our best answers...

Do You Build It For Me Or Do I Have To Do A Bunch Of Stuff?

We have programs for both. All of our core programs are "done for you" buildout program where we do 80% of the work and you just tweak the messaging to fit your brand.

We also have a "do it yourself" program that gives you the tools & resources we use to systematize your business on your own.

I Like Your Company, But I'm Still Not Sure...

Hey we get it! Everyone is promising donkeys and delivering unicorns these days.

Chances are you have been burned by people before by purchasing what you thought was something that would help your business and ended up falling short.

So here is what we recommend...

CLICK HERE and sign up for our Weekly Automation Newsletter.

After consuming some of our best content you feel like working together - we can have that talk.

If you are just there enjoying our free content - that's fine too.

But either way, you'll be getting value :-)

How Much Are Your Services?

Our services range from $497 to $10k. Since we deal with AI & Automation Implementation, it really does depend on what you need.

Easiest way to figure it out is to click here and book your free integrator session. We will help you map out what you need to happen and get you an action plan that works.

At the end of the session if you want help we'll tell you what it looks like to work with us. If not, we part ways as friends and you keep your action plan 👍.

Will This Work For My Business?

We work with Coaches, Consultants, and Agencies primarily. So if you don't fit one of those categories (we love ya) but we don't want to waste your time or money.

Why Should I Get This Now?

Honest answer? Maybe you shouldn't 🤷‍♂️?

If you are just getting started and are trying to figure out your offer + sell and fulfill your first 10 raving clients - now is NOT the time for automation.

However, if you have sold & fulfilled at least 10 raving clients (AKA not in startup mode), it's time to install an automatic operating system that can help you grow & scale with less stress.

... The longer you wait, the more of your soul gets claimed by your business 😬.

What Color Is The Dress?

I don't care if you call us crazy - we think it's gold and white.

The fact that you opened this FAQ to see what the heck we were trying to pull on our website should be all the proof you need that you are a right fit to work with us ;-)

So click here and grab our Integrator Roadmap you cool cat 😎

FAQ image

What Happens On An Integrator Session?

You show up and we hard sell the heck out of you until you buy everything we have to sell you...


(you should have seen the look on your face)

There is a reason why we call it an "Integrator Session". It's because you are meeting with an Integrator.

An integrator lives at the intersection of Marketing, Tech, and Operations. They help take your ideas and bring them to life with automation technology.

You show up - we deliver value - you walk away with a clear & simple action plan. If you want help with that plan we can talk about what that looks like. If you don't want help - that's fine too - you still leave with value.

It's the good old fashioned "help people by actually helping them" scheme 😉

If there's anything at all that you're not certain about, or any concerns or questions, then please reach out to us at info@system810.com and we'll get you the answers you need.

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PO Box 632, 127 S Cherry St, Flushing, MI 48433 | 810-255-0036 | info@system810.com

System 810 | Kalakay Fitness Systems LLC